Prodgita Agama

The Prodgita Agama is one of the twenty-eight Siddhāntāgamas, which is a classification of the Śaiva division of Śaivāgamas. The Śaivāgamas represent the wisdom that has come down from lord Śiva, received by Pārvatī and accepted by Viṣṇu. Not a whole lot is know about this Agama, but what is known is presented below.

According to the Kamika Agama, Prodgita means “tongue”, and further, “The Prodgita Agama was revealed to Sulina as consisted of three hundred thousand verses. Kavaca received this Agama from Sulina. There are sixteen Upagamas for this Agama. They are: Kavaca, Varaha, Pingalamata, Pasabandha, Dandadhara, Ankusa, Dhanurdhara, Sivajnana, Vijnana, Srikalajnana, Ayurveda, Dhanurveda, Sarpadamshtri-vibhedana, Gita, Bharata and Atodya.”

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