Yama Gurudeva Paddhati Agama

The "Yama Gurudeva Paddhati Agama" is a sacred text that belongs to the Agama tradition of Hinduism. It is a comprehensive guidebook for devotees and practitioners, providing instructions on rituals, ceremonies, and spiritual practices. The text is attributed to Yama Gurudeva, a revered spiritual teacher, and serves as a manual for individuals seeking spiritual growth … Read more

Kamakalavilasa Agama

The Kamakalavilasa Agama is one of the 28 main agamas (scriptures) in the Shaiva tradition of Hinduism. It is considered to be a prominent text that provides guidance on rituals, worship, and philosophical teachings associated with Lord Shiva. The Kamakalavilasa Agama delves into various aspects of Shaivism, including temple construction, deity installation, religious ceremonies, and … Read more

Kaulavalinimaya Agama

The "Kaulavalinimaya Agama" is a sacred text belonging to the Kaula tradition, which is a sect within the broader Agama tradition of Hinduism. This text primarily focuses on various rituals, worship practices, and spiritual teachings associated with the worship of Goddess Kali. It serves as a guide for practitioners on how to conduct rituals, invoke … Read more

Kulacudamani Tantra Agama

The “Kulacudamani Tantra Agama” is a sacred tantric scripture in Hinduism, belonging to the Shakta tradition. It is considered one of the main texts of the Sri Vidya sect and is dedicated to the worship of the goddess Lalita Tripurasundari. This scripture delves deep into various aspects of deity worship, rituals, meditation techniques, and philosophical … Read more