Paranandasutra Agama

The "Paranandasutra Agama" is one of the early Buddhist texts belonging to the Agamas, which are considered parallel to the Pali Canon and are an important part of the Buddhist scriptures. It is primarily associated with the Dharmaguptaka school of Buddhism. While there are multiple versions of this text that exist in different languages, the … Read more

Prapancasara Agama

The Prapancasara Agama is one of the early Buddhist scriptures and is considered to be a part of the Agamas, a collection of texts that form the doctrinal foundation of the early Buddhist schools. It is believed to have been written in the early centuries BCE and is primarily associated with the Sarvastivada school of … Read more

Saktisangama Tantra Agama

The "Saktisangama Tantra Agama" is a sacred text in Hinduism, specifically belonging to the Shakta tradition, which worships the divine feminine energy, Shakti. It is a tantric scripture that focuses on the worship, rituals, and spiritual practices related to Shakti. This tantra emphasizes the union of the individual soul (jiva) with the supreme consciousness (Shiva) … Read more

Saradatlaka Agama

The Saradatlaka Agama is a Hindu scripture that belongs to the Shaiva Agama tradition, specifically the Kriya Pada (ritualistic practices) category. It is considered one of the most significant Agamas and provides guidelines for the performance of rituals in Shiva temples. The Saradatlaka Agama addresses various aspects of temple worship, including the construction, consecration, and … Read more