Ahirbudhnya Agama

The Ahirbudhnya Agama is one of the ancient scriptures of Jainism, a religion that originated in India. The text is considered to be one of the earliest and most comprehensive treatises on Jain philosophy and practices. It consists of various sections or chapters that cover a wide range of topics including cosmology, metaphysics, ethics, and … Read more

Aniruddha Agama

The Aniruddha Agama is one of the ancient scriptures of Hinduism belonging to the Shaiva Agama tradition. It is considered a significant text, providing guidance on various aspects of spiritual practice, rituals, and philosophy for Shaiva devotees. The Agama consists of numerous sections or chapters, each focusing on a specific topic or aspect of spiritual … Read more

Hayasirsa Agama

The Hayasirsa Agama is one of the 28 Shaivite Agamas, which are a collection of ancient Hindu scriptures that discuss various aspects of philosophy, rituals, and spiritual practices. It is considered one of the most important Agamas and holds great significance among Shaivite followers. Section 1: Introduction This section introduces the Hayasirsa Agama and provides … Read more

Isvara Agama

The Isvara Agama is one of the main scriptures of the Shaiva tradition in Hinduism. It is a sacred text that provides guidance on rituals, worship practices, temple construction, and spiritual philosophy. The Isvara Agama is part of the Agama literature, which consists of a collection of scriptures that offer comprehensive instructions for religious rituals … Read more