Jayakhya Agama

The Jayakhya Agama is a significant ancient text belonging to the Shaiva Agama tradition. It is one of the 28 principal Agamas that form the foundation of Shiva worship and philosophy. The text primarily focuses on the rituals, theology, and spiritual practices associated with the worship of Lord Shiva. It also provides guidelines for temple … Read more

Maha Sanathumara Agama

The "Maha Sanathumara Agama" is a sacred scripture in the Buddhist tradition, specifically within the Mahayana branch. It is considered to be one of the Agamas, a collection of texts that contain sermons and teachings of the Buddha. The Maha Sanathumara Agama is believed to have originated from India and is highly revered by Buddhist … Read more

Padma Agama

The Padma Agama is one of the 28 Agamas, which are ancient Sanskrit scriptures that form the foundation of the Shaiva Siddhanta school of Hindu philosophy. It is considered to be one of the primary Agamas in the Shaiva tradition and focuses on various aspects of Shaivism, including rituals, temple construction, and spiritual practices. Contents … Read more