
In Nyaya Darsana, one of the six orthodox schools of Indian philosophy, the concept of Padartha refers to the categories of existence. Samavaya is one of the sub-sections of Padartha, which deals with the relation of inherence between different entities.

Major Topics

  1. Definition of Samavaya
    Samavaya is the relation of inherence that exists between a substance and its qualities. It is a unique category in Nyaya Darsana that explains how qualities (gunas) are dependent on substances (dravyas) for their existence.
  2. Nature of Samavaya
    Samavaya is considered to be a real and objective relation in Nyaya Darsana. It is not based on mere association or correlation but is an inherent connection between the substance and its qualities. This relation is eternal and necessary for the qualities to exist.
  3. Types of Samavaya
    There are two types of Samavaya recognized in Nyaya Darsana:
    a. Asamavayi Samavaya: This type of inherence is non-reciprocal, where the qualities depend on the substance but the substance does not depend on the qualities. For example, the color red inheres in a rose but the rose does not depend on its color for its existence.
    b. Svagata Samavaya: This type of inherence is reciprocal, where both the substance and its qualities depend on each other for their existence. For example, the heat of fire and fire itself have a reciprocal relation of inherence.
  4. Characteristics of Samavaya
    • Necessity: Samavaya is necessary for the qualities to exist in a substance. Without the relation of inherence, the qualities would cease to exist.
    • Eternal: Samavaya is considered eternal as it exists as long as the substance and its qualities exist.
    • Inseparable: The relation of inherence between a substance and its qualities is inseparable, meaning they cannot exist independently of each other.
  5. Importance of Samavaya
    Samavaya plays a crucial role in understanding the metaphysical and ontological aspects of reality in Nyaya Darsana. It helps in explaining the co-existence of substances and their qualities and elucidates the interconnectedness of different entities in the universe.

In conclusion, Samavaya in Nyaya Darsana provides a systematic framework for understanding the relation of inherence between substances and their qualities. It offers insights into the fundamental nature of existence and the interconnectedness of different entities in the universe.

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