Bhakti Yoga

Introduction Bhakti Yoga, the twelfth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, focuses on the path of devotion and love towards the divine. Known as the “Yoga of Devotion,” this chapter highlights the significance of loving devotion (Bhakti) as a means to attain union with the divine. Krishna elucidates the qualities of a true devotee and the … Read more

Kshetra Kshetrajna Vibhaga Yoga

Introduction Kshetra Kshetrajna Vibhaga Yoga, the thirteenth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, explores the distinction between the physical body (Kshetra) and the knower of the body (Kshetrajna). This chapter delves into the nature of the material world and the eternal soul, elucidating the relationship between the physical and spiritual realms. Krishna provides insights into the … Read more

Gunatraya Vibhaga Yoga

Introduction Gunatraya Vibhaga Yoga, the fourteenth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, explores the three fundamental qualities (gunas) of nature: Sattva (goodness, harmony), Rajas (passion, activity), and Tamas (ignorance, inertia). This chapter provides a detailed analysis of how these gunas influence human behavior and consciousness. Krishna explains how understanding and transcending these qualities lead to spiritual … Read more

Purushottama Yoga

Introduction Purushottama Yoga, the fifteenth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, delves into the nature of the Supreme Person (Purushottama) and the eternal relationship between the individual soul (Purusha) and the Supreme Being. This chapter is also known as the “Yoga of the Supreme Person.” It explores the cosmic tree of existence, the nature of the … Read more