Aruna (Son of Kashyapa)

Aruna: The Charioteer of the Sun God in Ramayana

The epic Hindu scripture, Ramayana, is a treasure trove of fascinating characters who play significant roles in shaping the narrative. One such character is Aruna, the charioteer of the mighty Sun God, Surya. Aruna, known for his unwavering devotion and extraordinary abilities, holds a crucial place in the grand tale of Ramayana. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of Aruna’s character, his background, and his role in the epic.

Background and Origin

Aruna is believed to be the son of sage Kashyapa and his wife Vinata. However, unlike his brother Garuda, who is revered as the mighty bird mount of Lord Vishnu, Aruna possesses a unique physical appearance due to a curse. According to the scriptures, Aruna was born with a deformed body, with half of it resembling a man and the other half a bird. This peculiar physique led to him being appointed as the charioteer of Surya, the Sun God.

Aruna’s Abilities and Duties

Despite his physical deformity, Aruna is renowned for his exceptional skills and unwavering loyalty towards Surya. As the charioteer of the Sun God, Aruna is responsible for controlling Surya’s chariot across the celestial skies. His unmatched expertise allows the Sun to rise and set at the correct times, ensuring the balance of day and night.

Aruna’s Encounter with Vali

One of the most significant incidents involving Aruna in Ramayana is his encounter with Vali, the monkey king and brother of Sugriva. When Vali challenges Sugriva to combat, it becomes apparent that Vali possesses immense power and can defeat any opponent. Sugriva, terrified of facing Vali, seeks refuge in a cave where Aruna resides.

Aruna, upon learning about the situation, advises Sugriva to challenge Vali only during specific hours when his strength diminishes due to a curse. Vali, being the son of Indra, the king of gods, had a boon that bestowed him with increased power during daytime. However, as Aruna explains, during twilight hours (sandhya), Vali’s strength would decline, making it possible for Sugriva to fight on equal footing.

Aruna’s Symbolism and Importance

The character of Aruna holds deep symbolism in Hindu mythology. Aruna, with his unique appearance, symbolizes the duality of day and night, light and darkness, and the celestial cycles of sunrise and sunset. He serves as a reminder of the ever-changing nature of life and the importance of balance in the universe.

Furthermore, Aruna’s guidance to Sugriva highlights his wisdom and strategic thinking. He offers valuable advice, enabling Sugriva to overcome his fear and eventually defeat Vali. Aruna’s role in this crucial episode showcases his significance as a mentor and advisor, guiding individuals to make the right decisions.


Aruna, the charioteer of Surya and an intriguing character in the epic Ramayana, stands as a symbol of devotion, wisdom, and balance. Despite his physical deformity, Aruna’s exceptional abilities and unwavering loyalty make him an integral part of the Hindu mythology. His encounter with Vali and his role as a mentor to Sugriva further emphasize his importance in the narrative. Exploring characters like Aruna adds depth and richness to our understanding of Indian mythology and the timeless tales of Ramayana.

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