Mudgala Purana


The Mudgala Purana is an Upapurana, a subset of Hindu scriptures that serve as supplementary texts to the eighteen Mahapuranas. This Purana is dedicated to the veneration and glorification of Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity revered as the remover of obstacles and the god of beginnings. The Mudgala Purana is particularly significant within the Ganapatya tradition, which focuses on the worship of Ganesha as the supreme deity. This text offers a rich tapestry of mythological narratives, rituals, and philosophical teachings centered around Ganesha, contributing to the understanding and appreciation of his role in Hindu spirituality and religious practices.

Historical Context

The Mudgala Purana, like many ancient Indian texts, does not have a precise date of composition. Scholars generally place its origin between the 6th and 10th centuries CE. The text is attributed to the sage Mudgala, from whom it derives its name, and is considered to be composed in a time when the worship of Ganesha was becoming increasingly prominent within Hinduism. The socio-cultural context of this period saw a flourishing of devotional movements, and the Mudgala Purana reflects the consolidation of Ganesha’s worship into mainstream Hindu practice. It aimed to codify the rituals and narratives associated with Ganesha, thereby enhancing his significance within the Hindu pantheon.


Book 1: The Glory of Ganesha

Chapter 1: The Birth of Ganesha

  • Narrates the mythological origins of Ganesha, including his creation by Parvati and his beheading and resurrection by Shiva.
  • Describes the significance of his elephant head and the symbolism associated with his form.

Chapter 2: The Various Forms of Ganesha

  • Discusses the eight principal forms of Ganesha, known as the Ashtavinayaka.
  • Each form is associated with specific regions and attributes, providing a detailed account of their unique aspects and significance.

Book 2: Legends and Stories

Chapter 1: Ganesha and the Moon

  • Tells the story of Ganesha cursing the moon, leading to the moon’s phases.
  • Highlights the moral lessons about pride and humility.

Chapter 2: Ganesha and the Syamantaka Jewel

  • Recounts the tale of Ganesha’s involvement with the Syamantaka jewel and the various adventures that ensue.
  • Emphasizes Ganesha’s role as a problem-solver and protector.

Chapter 3: Ganesha and Kubera

  • Describes the encounter between Ganesha and Kubera, the god of wealth, and how Ganesha teaches Kubera a lesson in humility.
  • Illustrates Ganesha’s wisdom and the importance of generosity and humility.

Book 3: Rituals and Worship

Chapter 1: Daily Worship and Offerings

  • Provides detailed instructions on the daily rituals and offerings dedicated to Ganesha.
  • Includes prayers, mantras, and the significance of various offerings such as modakas (sweet dumplings).

Chapter 2: Festival Celebrations

  • Describes the major festivals dedicated to Ganesha, particularly Ganesh Chaturthi.
  • Outlines the rituals, processions, and community activities associated with these celebrations.

Chapter 3: Special Vratas (Vows)

  • Discusses specific vows and observances that devotees undertake to seek Ganesha’s blessings.
  • Details the procedures and benefits of these vratas.

Book 4: Philosophical Teachings

Chapter 1: Ganesha’s Role in Hindu Cosmology

  • Explores Ganesha’s position within the broader Hindu cosmology.
  • Discusses his role as the remover of obstacles and patron of arts and sciences.

Chapter 2: The Symbolism of Ganesha

  • Analyzes the symbolic meanings behind Ganesha’s various attributes, such as his large ears, trunk, and broken tusk.
  • Connects these symbols to deeper philosophical and spiritual concepts.

Chapter 3: Devotional Practices

  • Emphasizes the importance of devotion (bhakti) to Ganesha as a means of achieving spiritual progress.
  • Highlights the transformative power of devotion in overcoming personal and spiritual obstacles.

Philosophical Significance

The Mudgala Purana holds profound philosophical teachings, particularly within the context of bhakti (devotion) and the removal of obstacles on the spiritual path. It underscores the importance of unwavering devotion to Ganesha as a means of attaining spiritual enlightenment and worldly success. The text delves into the symbolic aspects of Ganesha, interpreting his physical attributes as representations of various philosophical concepts. For example, Ganesha’s large ears symbolize the importance of listening and gaining knowledge, while his broken tusk represents the sacrifice one must make in the pursuit of wisdom. The Mudgala Purana also emphasizes the concept of inner purity and the necessity of humility and surrender to divine will.

Additional Resources

  1. “Ganesha: The Auspicious… The Beginning” by Shakunthala Jagannathan – A comprehensive guide to the mythology and worship of Ganesha, providing insights that complement the Mudgala Purana.
  2. “The Book of Ganesha” by Royina Grewal – Offers a detailed exploration of Ganesha’s stories, symbols, and significance in Hindu culture.
  3. “Ganesha: The Elephant-Headed God” by John A. Grimes – An academic study that delves into the philosophical and symbolic aspects of Ganesha, aligning with themes in the Mudgala Purana.
  4. “Ganesha: Remover of Obstacles” by Manuela Dunn Mascetti – A richly illustrated book that presents various legends and worship practices associated with Ganesha.
  5. “Classical Hindu Mythology: A Reader in the Sanskrit Puranas” by Cornelia Dimmitt and J.A.B. van Buitenen – Provides translations and analysis of key Puranic texts, offering context for understanding the Mudgala Purana.

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