Durvasa Purana

Introduction The Durvasa Purana is one of the eighteen Upapuranas, a subset of Hindu religious texts that serve as supplementary scriptures to the primary Mahapuranas. Named after the sage Durvasa, known for his short temper and powerful curses, this Purana focuses on the stories, teachings, and rituals associated with him. The Durvasa Purana highlights the … Read more

Kapila Purana

Introduction The Kapila Purana is one of the eighteen Upapuranas, a subset of Hindu religious texts that complement the primary Mahapuranas. This Purana is named after Sage Kapila, the legendary founder of the Samkhya school of philosophy. The Kapila Purana is significant for its detailed exposition of Samkhya philosophy, mythological narratives, and religious rituals. It … Read more

Bhargava Purana

Introduction The Bhargava Purana is one of the eighteen Upapuranas, which are secondary Hindu religious texts supplementing the primary Mahapuranas. Named after the sage Bhrigu, one of the revered Saptarishis (seven great sages), the Bhargava Purana is dedicated to the teachings, stories, and rituals associated with the Bhrigu lineage. This Purana highlights the significance of … Read more

Varuna Purana

Introduction The Varuna Purana is one of the eighteen Upapuranas, a category of Hindu religious texts that serve as supplementary scriptures to the major Puranas. Named after Varuna, the Vedic deity of water and cosmic order, this Purana focuses on the worship, mythology, and philosophical teachings associated with Varuna. The text provides detailed descriptions of … Read more