Sanat Kumara Purana

Introduction The Sanat Kumara Purana is one of the eighteen Upapuranas, a subset of Hindu religious texts that serve as supplementary scriptures to the major Mahapuranas. Named after Sanat Kumara, one of the four Kumaras, the eternal sages and sons of Brahma, this Purana is dedicated to their teachings, stories, and spiritual practices. Sanat Kumara … Read more

Narasimha Purana

Introduction The Narasimha Purana is one of the eighteen Upapuranas, secondary Hindu scriptures that supplement the primary Mahapuranas. Named after Narasimha, the lion-man incarnation of Lord Vishnu, this Purana is dedicated to the narratives, worship practices, and philosophical teachings associated with this fierce deity. Narasimha is venerated for his role in protecting his devotee Prahlada … Read more

Brihan Naradiya Purana

Introduction The Brihan Naradiya Purana is one of the eighteen Upapuranas, a collection of Hindu religious texts considered supplementary to the primary Mahapuranas. This Purana is attributed to the sage Narada, a revered figure known for his wisdom, devotion, and role as a divine messenger. The Brihan Naradiya Purana is particularly significant for its detailed … Read more

Kapila Purana

Introduction The Kapila Purana is one of the eighteen Upapuranas, a subset of Hindu religious texts that complement the primary Mahapuranas. This Purana is named after Sage Kapila, the legendary founder of the Samkhya school of philosophy. The Kapila Purana is significant for its detailed exposition of Samkhya philosophy, mythological narratives, and religious rituals. It … Read more