Kalpa Overview

Introduction Kalpa is one of the six Vedangas, or limbs of the Vedas, which are ancient Indian texts that serve as manuals for Vedic rituals and ceremonies. The Vedangas are essential for understanding and practicing the Vedic traditions. Kalpa, specifically, focuses on the procedural aspects of Vedic rituals, offering guidelines and instructions on how to … Read more

Manava Sulba Sutra

Manava Sulba Sutra, dating back to 800-500 BCE, is an ancient Indian mathematical treatise that lays down rules for constructing various geometric shapes accurately. It is one of the earliest sources of geometry in India and provides insights into the advanced mathematical knowledge of ancient Indian civilization.

Katyayana Sulba Sutra

The Katyayana Sulba Sutra is an ancient Indian mathematical text that provides detailed instructions for constructing various geometric shapes using a rope, pegs, and a sacrificial fire altar. Believed to have been composed around 300-200 BCE, this text is an important source for understanding the mathematical knowledge of ancient Indian scholars.