Apavarga (Liberation)

The Apavarga (Liberation) sub-section of the Nyaya Darsana explores the concept of ultimate liberation from the cycle of birth and death. It delves into the ways in which one can achieve moksha, or liberation, through right knowledge, action, and devotion. This section provides guidance on attaining spiritual freedom and breaking free from the cycle of samsara.


In the Nyaya Darsana, the “Moksha” sub-section of the Apavarga section focuses on liberation from the cycle of rebirth and suffering. It delves into the concept of attaining ultimate freedom through self-realization and spiritual enlightenment. This section offers guidance on achieving liberation through the purification of the mind and realization of the true self.


Bandha, in the Nyaya Darsana, refers to the state of bondage or limitation experienced by the soul due to its association with matter. This sub-section of the Apavarga section explores the concept of liberation from this bondage through the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the true nature of the self.