
Introduction Dhanurveda, an ancient Indian treatise on archery and military science, is considered one of the traditional Upavedas associated with the Yajurveda. The term “Dhanurveda” is derived from “Dhanus,” meaning bow, and “Veda,” meaning knowledge, thus translating to “the science of archery.” It encompasses a wide range of martial arts and techniques, including the use … Read more

Shvetashvatara Upanishad

Introduction The Shvetashvatara Upanishad is one of the major Upanishads associated with the Krishna Yajur Veda. It is known for its profound philosophical teachings and its exploration of the nature of Brahman, the supreme reality, and the individual self (Atman). This Upanishad is distinctive for its theistic elements, emphasizing the worship of a personal god, … Read more

Maitrayaniya Samhita

Introduction The Maitrayani Samhita, also known as the Maitrayaniya Samhita, is a significant text of the Krishna Yajur Veda, one of the four Vedas that form the foundation of Hindu religious literature. This Samhita is a collection of hymns, mantras, and ritual instructions primarily focused on the performance of Vedic sacrifices (yajnas). The Maitrayani Samhita … Read more