
Apramana, the sub-section of Pramana in Nyaya Darsana, deals with invalid sources of knowledge. It explores how incorrect perception, inference, verbal testimony, analogy, and presumption can lead to false understanding. By understanding Apramana, one can better discern between valid and invalid sources of knowledge in philosophical inquiry.


In Nyaya Darsana, the Shabda sub-section of the Pramana section focuses on the validity of knowledge gained through verbal testimony. It explores the reliability of information transmitted through words from trustworthy sources and the criteria for determining the credibility of such testimonies in different contexts.


In the Nyaya Darsana, the Upamana sub-section of the Pramana section is dedicated to the theory of analogy as a valid means of knowing. Upamana allows for the comparison of known and unknown objects to gain understanding, providing a logical and systematic approach to acquiring knowledge through inference.

Anumana (Inference)

Anumana, the inference of knowledge, is a vital sub-section of the Pramana section in the Nyaya Darsana. Through logical reasoning and deduction, Anumana allows individuals to draw conclusions based on existing knowledge and evidence. It plays a crucial role in understanding the world and making informed decisions.